Tuesday, 28 December 2010
Tuesday Trundle:
Sunday, 26 December 2010
Boxing Day Biking Breather: by carbon_rider at Garmin Connect - Details
Friday, 17 December 2010
Sunday, 12 December 2010
Snow gone, Thaw Starting!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
Social Snowy Spin:
Another cold start to the day, which I was pleased about 'cos I'd agreed to meet up with some guys from Coalville Wheelers & another local lad & I didn't want it to be mucky. Five of the Wheelers turned up so we made a group of seven which made a nice change...
The going was tough again today as the ground was very hard from the frost & the melt that had started yesterday had refrozen so it was also very slippery! We had one puncture in the group today which slowed things down a bit. Then the Wheelers had to head back after an hour so I had a short stint with the local lad before he also headed home upon whence I headed on for another hour. I just can't resist!
I'm starting to get used to the local off road routes now & thoroughly enjoying them.
Saturday, 4 December 2010
The Wrong Kind of Snow on the Trails:
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Fun in the Snow: Day 2.
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Fun in the Snow:
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Steady Solo Sunday Saunter:
Friday, 19 November 2010
Short Misty Friday Foray:
Sunday, 7 November 2010
Another Sunday Solo over Harby & Beacon Hills:
Saturday, 6 November 2010
Steady Saturday Spin:
Saturday, 30 October 2010
Pedalling on Porridge Power:
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Short Solo Sunday Spin:
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Sunny Shropshire:
Sunday, 10 October 2010
Sportive: Evans RideIt, Cannock:
Planned as my last Sportive of the year for me & luckily I've been able to get a few miles this the week in preparation. As usual it's an early start, partly due to the fact that I didn't pack the car last night, the weather yesterday wasn’t very nice at all & despite the forecast it felt as if it would be 'rain stopped play'. In addition to this the www for the event didn't fill me with much excitement so I was in two minds as wether I’d go anyway.
I arrived at the start area in good time shortly after 8.00am & as I hadn’t pre-entered I’d printed off and completed an entry form at home so made my way to the signing on tent, paid my entry fee & collected my timing chip all without any hiccup & quickly too.
Prepared & ready to go I set off with a group just before 9.00am & soon realized that there wasn’t anybody in the group that was going to go at the kind of pace I wanted, so prepared myself for a day on my own. It was a grey day with complete low cloud cover & very windy but thankfully it was dry.
It wasn’t too long then before I was alone but got caught by a group of about a dozen soon after Blithfield Reservoir so I tucked into the group to conserve energy. Soon we turned onto the a very small lane, grass along the middle type of small. A couple of miles along this lane we found ourselves at the foot of a 13% climb that was tree lined, damp with mud & fallen bits of twigs etc. This caught us all out & the sudden slowing & gradient lead to lots of wheel spinning as we all ended up coming to a standstill in a heap. I did manage to find a dry spot & got going again & made it to the top without further ado but found that my rear brake lever had taken a knock, well I think it was my hand that took the knock, & slipped round. I took the opportunity for a comfort break & knocked my lever back into position. All the other riders had gone by now tho’ so I was on catch up!
The group was now completely splintered but I worked my way back thro’ the riders, passing one walking his way up the climb at Hoar Cross, it took me about 10km to get back to the front group of four. Once I was there I sat with them to recover for a while but within 10km I was edging away from them so started to focus on my own pace as the gap built. A few more kilometers & I arrived at the first feed station. There must have been a dozen or so riders there but I quickly filled a bottle & grabbed a banana & was straight away whilst they all stood there chatting!
Shortly after the feed stop I made the turn for the long route. No riders in sight in front or behind, banana consumed & I hit possibly the best section, well fastest anyway, a short stint along the A518 with a good tail wind! It didn’t last long tho’ before I was back on lanes & climbing. The next point of interest around the mid point was a ford, in flood with the usual cobbled & slippery base. Of course this was at the foot of another climb & once over the top it was onto a short sharp downhill section whereI’d have preferred to have used my MTB.
The weather had picked up by now tho’ but the roads hadn’t improved! I noticed another rider coming from behind just as I noticed three up ahead. I din’t ease off & soon passed the three in front shortly to be caught from behind. We worked together for a while & this looked promising for a fast finish. However at around 110km & despite following the route on my Garmin I think some signs had been switched & we made a right turn where we should have made a left. Of course we didn’t realize this until we arrived at a Tee junction a few Kms along the road. We weren’t the only ones to make this wrong turn as there was another rider looking at his map at the junction. Not wanting to stop we pushed on albeit, it transpires in the wrong direction & on main roads. After another the sharp ascent of Weston Bank I was behind & decided to double check my Garmin. The route had disappeared, so I reloaded as I rode, realized where I was & was able to find my way back & join the proper route at Tixal.
I felt comfortable again now as I was familiar with the route to the finish, this did of course involve mostly dragging upwards but I still managed to pass another half a dozen riders along the way who’d probably been on the shorter routes. A big push towards the last right turn onto the tarmac forest track to the finish & over the timing mat, job done, albeit about 8km short of the full distance.
I did stop & for a cuppa, snack & a chat before setting off for home. Whilst I was there one of the other riders that went off course came in a few minutes behind me, he’d been all the way into Stafford & rejoined at Milford.
All in all the event wasn’t as poorly organized as I was anticipating & for the best part the signage was good, & I was happy with my performance. I was working towards a 5hrs 15m finish & if I look closely at the time I was awarded & adjust it accordingly I think it would have been close to the 5hrs 15m.
Saturday, 9 October 2010
Saturday Super Spin:
Hoping to do the Evans Ride It Sportive from Cannock tomorrow:
Just a quick blast today, windy! 595:
Friday, 8 October 2010
Another Afternoon Spinning into the Sunset:
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
Another Afternoon Amble:
Monday, 4 October 2010
Spinning into the Sunset:
Saturday, 2 October 2010
Audax: Over the Trent to Dance & Pray.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Short Sunday Solo:
Tired after yesterdays ride I decided to ride alone today, to avoid the cafe race! This also gave the chance for a bit of a lie in. I did set off with a 100km ride in mind but it was a route that left plenty of options for a bail out should I not feel up to it or if the weather turned..
As it turns out I felt resonably O.K. but my HR was very low, hope it's just tiredness from yesterday, & the weather started to turn.
I decided to keep it shorter & by the time I got home it had been drizzling for the last 5km or so.
Guess I made the right decision today then...
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Over Cannock Chase, Club Run:
Once we'd completed this long flat section we turned thro' Tutbury & on the climb out the back of the town one of the rider split his chain. This resulted in a 20mins stop for repairs, aided by the loan of tools from a local resident, there are nice people out there!
Onwards again & a quick stop at Abbots Bromley for a water top up at a local store. Then onto a shortish cafe stop at Milford for a warm cup of tea & a teacake. It's a great place for a stop but probably better if you're going the other way as from the cafe it's upwards for a few miles! Over the Chase & back down into Rugeley, the fastest section of the route. As we made the descent we passed a couple of guys in on MTB's in Team Raleigh kit & I thought one looked like Dan Fleeman, a quick tweet once home & he confirmed it had been him.
After Rugeley it's pretty much pan flat again with some long straight sections & now the wind was helping us along. This resulted in the pace going up again! Oh only 25mph & it was just the one guy on the front for most of the way, Hugh, a 20year old ex GB rower & powerhouse. Encouraged by Nigel this pace continued but it meant that the group split up & arrived at the BeeHive cafe fragmented.
Despite this being a longer ride & getting back to the BeeHive later, I still got my magnificent poached eggs & beans on toast, ACE!
Now off for a nice soak in the bath & a relaxing evening.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Back onto UK roads:
Monday, 20 September 2010
I was surprised to get this tweet today!
Congratulations to @carbonrider_595 for winning our Cervelo competition. There'll be more soon, thanks for entering.
Here's a link to the prize on the Cyclosport site.
Saturday, 18 September 2010
New Winter Bike:
Friday, 10 September 2010
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Chateau tour:
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Tuesday, 7 September 2010
Day out in Tulle:
Monday, 6 September 2010
Rain stopped play!
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Home from the Lac:
Another day pedals by...
After a circuit of the Lac Vassivierie with Julie I rode back to the gite whilst Julie drove.
Friday, 3 September 2010
Off to the Lac again:
Thursday, 2 September 2010
To Masseret for lunch with Big Chris:
Wednesday, 1 September 2010
30km & home via the Boulangerie:
Tuesday, 31 August 2010
Another 120km in the bag!...
Sunday, 29 August 2010
Limousin, lac Tour:
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Sunday Club Run:
Saturday, 21 August 2010
Audax: National Forest 50km.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Monday Mash!
Sunday, 15 August 2010
Sunday Seventy!
Sunday, 8 August 2010
Sunday Saunter, last 25km with Jules:
Monday, 2 August 2010
Flyin' on Fig Rolls:
Sunday, 1 August 2010
Easy Sunday in Shropshire:
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Just an Easy Spin:
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
Not the Tourmalet or the Aubisque, done them before!
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Another Windy Day!
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Saturday, 10 July 2010
Monday, 5 July 2010
Sunday, 27 June 2010
Sportive: Flat out in the Fens:
Well it was another early start for this ride, the alarm rang at 4:15am, I can't get out of the house in less than 90mins but then that does include some time for stretching. Fed & watered I was off on the 80mins drive to the start, but with empty roads that bit was a breeze.
A new timing set up meant there was no signing on to be done at the start. This was the first U.K. Sportive to use this new system, a stick on label attached to the helmet. These were sent out in advance along with your rider number for attaching to the bars. It's my reckoning that the stick on label could go on the frame but of course telling us that they must be attached to your helmet helps enforce the wearing of a helmet, no problem for me with that.
Having assembled the bike & got kitted I loaded my pockets with plenty of energy bars, gels & stocks of drink powder for the ride. I dread to think how much that lot weighed, about 6 bars, 6 gels & enough drink powder for at least 6 bottle refills. It was going to be a hot day & this ride was going to take in excess of 8hrs so food & drink were going to play a key part of the day perhaps more so then normal.
After the obligatory comfort break I made my way to the start, more activity & seemingly more enthusiasm than last year, which was good. The start pen was filling steadily & groups were being set off at regular intervals so I joined in with the next group & after our pre-ride briefing we were set off. I was keen to take it reasonably steady for a while & so sat near the front of the group to conserve energy. Too far back un the group & I feel you use too much nervous energy, especially in a group of riders you're familiar with. The two guys on the front were setting a good steady pace which was comfortable but quick enough for now. After a while a couple of guys, triathletes I'd guess, came by lifting the pace a bit but not so much as to split the group up too much. However this didn't last long as we shortly overshot a right turn, well the front half of the group did anyway but thanks to the shouts from the back lost time was minimal. I was straight back on the pace & found myself on the front , I made sure I didn't stay there too long tho', we hadn't got to the first feed yet! We soon found ourselves on some very narrow lanes & passed several groups of riders on our way to the first feed station, always a good moral booster. It wasn't too much longer before we got to the first feed tho' & I was glad of the chance to replenish my bottles & empty my bladder!
I didn't hang around too long here tho', although there were plenty of people seemingly taking a leisurely break. Immediately after the first feed the short distance riders take a left whilst the middle & long distance riders go straight on. Back on the bike & I thought a few of the group I was in were setting off but I got that wrong, mind you, there hadn't been too much communicating so far so I didn't really know if anybody else in the group was on the long ride. Turns out I miss judged the movement & was on my own. There was a solo rider up ahead who I steadily reeled in only to find out that he was on the middle distance ride, but a look over my shoulder & I saw that there was a reasonable sized group behind, so I backed off a bit & waited for them to catch up as I was still conscious that I still had over 100miles to go, but I still hadn't found anybody else who was doing the long ride.
There was a slight breeze from the south & that's the direction we were heading so far. The route was feeling familiar from last year & I sensed it wouldn't be too much longer before we got to the roundabout where the middle distance riders would make a left turn & the long ride guys a right. And I still don't know who's going to turn which way! After a bit & still sheltering in the group we approached the next split, me with slight trepidation, still not knowing if anyone else in the group was doing the long route. I soon found out! As ALL the other riders in the group swung left I made the right turn & was now riding alone. Not very impressed I refocused turned the music on & prepared for the next section which I remembered was going to take me out into the open & continue southerly into the breeze. Maybe some of the group had changed their minds as it was very hot & there was a world cup football match they may have wanted to get home to watch.
There's some long open stretches in this next section where I tracked & passed a few steady riders whilst maintaining an average speed still in excess of 30kph. Eventually after, believe it or not a couple of lumpy bits, I rounded a bend to find temporary traffic lights with a short queue of cars & to my relief at the front of the queue a group of about 10-12 cyclists. As luck would have it I didn't even have to dab a foot down & we all rolled off together. I was still keen to keep the pace high so soon doing myself on the front but I went with it for a bit to try & sort who was up for it. This was my sort of ride & I felt good so why not give them a little test. To my surprise we were soon down to just three, & one of the guys had been in the group to the first feed but hadn't stopped. I did a good turn on the front before taking a breather & indicating for the next gut to come thro'. We now entered 3up TT mode which we maintained for a considerable while, the next/2nd feed was at just over half distance, 80miles (ish). We were working really well together, each taking good fair turns on the front & as we passed thro' a village we caught another rider who managed to tag on but was not strong enough to take any turns on the front & in fact he didn't stay with us for too long before he was out the back. Then the guy who'd been in the group to the first feed started to fade & before long we were but a duo. We still carried on relentlessly towards the second feed, with just a few words of pleasantry before we got there. Turns out his name was William, he was probably half my age & as soon as there was any incline I was being dropped. Parr for the course for me mind, but when it's so flat & you push hard the inclines seem to hurt even more! The second feed is really a bit far into the ride considering there are four feeds in all, but it was a welcome sight & opportunity to top up the bottles again. We didn't stop for long & it wasn't much longer before we'd settled back into TT mode, with the breeze now favourably behind us but not letting up on the pace & sharing the work. Somewhere in this section as we approached a right turn a rider approached from the opposite direction & made a left so he was ahead of us, I thought it must have been the point at which the middle distance ride rejoined the route. He was a strong guy & we pushed a bit harder to try & catch him, he was only a couple of hundred meters ahead of us but we were only just drawing him in. After a couple of miles he sat up & we became three again & were soon a new revised TT trio. Turns out I've met the new guy on at least one other ride some time back in Essex & boy is he a big strong rider but also that he hadn't joined from the middle distance route but had missed the turn & put an extra 5miles.
The third feed was busy as the routes were all back together again now & it was a flying stop where I was nearly left behind & had to work hard to get back onto what was a reasonable sized group, we rolled easy with the group for a couple of miles before passing them all & getting back into the groove. Once we were on our own again the pace was full on & I for one was starting to tire, every time our big new guy went thro' it was a struggle to stay on but we steamed on to the final feed which meant there were only about 20 miles left to do. Again it was a quick turn around & we were away again with a fourth rider but he didn't stay with us for too long, he skipped his turns on the front & once he did take a turn he went to the back & was off for good. This was now starting to take it's toll & I'm sure my turns on the front were becoming shorter & the struggle to stay on when the big man went thro' was becoming harder! The finish was getting rapidly closer but I went out the back & managed to rejoin once before I finally blew with what I thought was about 10miles to go. I waved the other two guys on & continued as best I could & was passing riders who I'd guess had been on the shorter rides. Quicker than I thought the road became increasingly familiar of the finish which gave me the boost to push just a bit harder again. With the final few turns there were a few more riders to pass as I continued to push as best I could to the line. Once over the line I had a look around & found the two guys I'd been riding & thank them & bid them farewell.
Last year my time was 8hrs 37mins, (8hrs 09mins on the bike), & I had been riding to better this I'd been hoping, conservatively to better 8hrs 30mins. I knew I'd gone faster than last year & also that I'd gone well within my target time. The provisional times when posted were not as accurate as they should have been, I think there were several riders that switched to a shorter route but didn't declare this to the organisers & also that there were some glitches with the new timing system. Now that the times have been finalised I'm more than happy to find that I completed the ride in 8hrs 2mins, (7hrs 35mins on the bike). This time gave me joint 7th fastest time of the field of 78.
Friday, 25 June 2010
Short Friday Floater!
Tuesday, 22 June 2010
Slip Slap Slop, Slide onto the Saddle & cycle:
Monday, 21 June 2010
Monday, short 'n easy spin:
Sunday, 20 June 2010
Another Sunny Summer Sunday Ride:
Saturday, 19 June 2010
Short Saturday Spin:
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Mark Cavendish Crash - Tour de Suisse Stage 4 2010
Cav or Hausler?
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